• I meet the
eligibility criteria for SMSF Association Associate membership and I have successfully completed the Kaplan FPE016 course: Self Managed Superannuation Funds.
• I hereby apply to become a member of the SMSF Association and agree to disclose any further information required by the Association.
• In the past 10 years, I have not been:
o Convicted of a criminal or serious civil offence, or been subject to any disciplinary action under the Corporations Act, the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993, Income Tax Assessment Act or Financial Services Reform Act.
o Subject to any disciplinary action or investigations by a professional association or regulatory body, nor have I had any restrictions or disqualifications imposed on my professional status by any professional association or regulatory body.
o Declared bankrupt in my personal capacity, or operated as an officer of a corporate entity which has been declared insolvent, either in Australia or elsewhere.
• I agree to abide by the Constitution, Membership Rules and Conditions, CPD Policy, Code of Professional Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures and Privacy Policy of the SMSF Association, all available at www.smsfassociation.com.
• I agree not to use the SMSF Specialist Advisor designation, or in any way hold out to be a Specialist Member, until receiving formal confirmation of my Specialist Member status from the SMSF Association.