SMSF Association Submission – Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions – Exposure Draft

SMSF Association Submission

The SMSF Association welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission in response to the Government’s exposure draft legislation on the Better Targeted Superannuation Concession.

We would like to express our concerns on the short consultation period afforded to this exposure draft legislation. The changes proposed are significant, complex and in need of careful, detailed review. Further, elements of the proposed measures are heavily reliant upon regulations. Those regulations
have not been made available as part of this consultation. This affects our ability to properly consider all aspects of these proposed measures.

The proposed measures will add further complexity, red tape, cost, and unintended outcomes to what is an already complex superannuation legislative framework. What is proposed is counter to both
horizontal and vertical tax equity principles.

Read the full submission below.

Better Targeted Superannuation Concessions - Exposure Draft

SMSF Association Submission