Accredited CPD providers

Meet our Accredited Educators

It’s now easier than ever for our members to access SMSF Association Accredited CPD through our partnered Accredited Educators!
The SMSF Association Accredited Educator logo sets these educators apart, as a pillar of SMSF education in the sector.

Always look for the SMSF Association Accredited Educator brand mark to ensure you are undertaking accredited, quality SMSF education and continually enhancing their SMSF knowledge.


Helping expand SMSF knowledge and gain CPD hours through articles, online courses and accredited webinars.

Advisers Digest

Training courses for accountants in trusts and SMSFs, online CPD for SMSF auditors and more.


Offering an award-winning range of courses, events and content that goes well beyond the theory.

Smarter SMSF

Helping accountants, financial advisers and other professionals to comply with the complexities of SMSFs.


SMSF education courses for building knowledge and capability. Strengthen skills, and gain a competitive edge.
why you should seek out smsf association accredited education

The SMSF Association is dedicated to lifting the standards of professional SMSF advice and services through quality SMSF education. We have a CPD accredited education program to validate SMSF education for practitioners within the sector.

The activities listed on this webpage, below, have all been assessed against the Association’s education standards that set the benchmark in the SMSF sector.

Benefits of SMSF Association Accredited Education

  • A wide range of different education providers to suit you and your professional development requirements.
  • The listed programs will help you to achieve your SMSF Association accredited CPD requirements to comply with your Association membership requirements, which you can keep track of and record via your Member Dashboard*.
  • The programs are quality, credible and feature current SMSF content presented by leading, SMSF industry experts.
  • All programs have been checked by the SMSF Association Education team and assessed against our stringent requirements and industry (Legislated CPD/CPD) benchmarks.
*View the step-by-step guide on how to Record your CPD hours
SMSF Association Accredited Educators

The SMSF Association Accredited Educator logo sets these educators apart from other providers as a pillar of SMSF education in the sector. We encourage our members to look for the SMSF Association Accredited Educator brand mark to ensure they are undertaking accredited, quality SMSF education and continually enhancing their SMSF knowledge.

Apply to become an SMSF Association Accredited Educator

Have your SMSF education events and programs accredited by the Association

Learn more about how your organisation can have individual SMSF events and/or education accredited by the SMSF Association.