
As a member of the SMSF Association, you will be part of a network of like-minded and multi-disciplinary SMSF professionals.

Throughout the year the Association though our Local Communities run a number of professional development opportunities to grow your professional network while getting valuable insights from SMSF industry peers. 


We are always looking for passionate members to involved in our Local Community committees, to get in touch, please contact your Local Community Chair by clicking their name below or the Member Services on 08 8205 1950 or [email protected]

Local Communities Map
Local Community Chairs

ACT   Wayne Bolin
NSW  Marjon Muizer
QLD   Dean Ireland
SA    Rod Jones
TAS   Melanie Dunn
VIC    Stephen Blake
WA    Con Gotsis


To view upcoming Local Community events click here.


Exclusive to SMSF Association Specialist Auditors  join our monthly discussion group facilitated by industry experts to discuss current Audit issues

The forum allows SMSF Specialist Auditors to discuss and ask questions relating to SMSF Auditor business practices and principles, with group discussion providing opportunity to develop networks with other like-minded specialists. 

Click here to view upcoming Audit Discussion Groups.


Join the discussion with fellow SMSF professionals in our exclusive LinkedIn groups. You have the ability to discuss matters relating to SMSFs, pose questions to your peers, share resources and more. 

Click here to access our LinkedIn group, exclusively for Fellow, Specialist and Associate members only. 

Click here to access our Audit LinkedIn group, exclusively for our Specialist Auditor (SSAud) members only.