The SMSF Association provides a variety of technical resources and support for our Associate, Specialist, Fellow and Retired Members.
Our resources and services are designed to keep you up to date with the latest legislation, regulations and strategies, to allow you to provide the best information and advice to your clients.
Technical Resource Library
Our online Resource Library gives you access to quality Technical Resources, Go-To Guides, previous technical presentations and White Label Documents to keep you up to date and provide the best information and advice to your clients.
Select resources have CPD attributed.
Select resources have CPD attributed.
Technical Research Service
An exclusive Technical Research Service for SMSF Association Specialist and Associate members, to provide you with SMSF technical support, when you need it.
Our team is supported by a panel of leading SMSF experts from the legal, accounting, auditing and tax professions to address your technical enquiries in the most efficient manner.
Our team is supported by a panel of leading SMSF experts from the legal, accounting, auditing and tax professions to address your technical enquiries in the most efficient manner.
Scams Awareness Resources
As the peak professional body representing the SMSF sector throughout Australia, the SMSF Association recognises the increasing risk to SMSF trustees and self-directed investors of cybercrime and scams.
View our resources, and links to third party information and reporting channels.
View our resources, and links to third party information and reporting channels.
Still can't find what you are looking for?
You may want to reach out to a peer instead.
The SMSF Association has a network of Accredited Specialist Members, who are a are a trusted source of information and advice.
The SMSF Association has a network of Accredited Specialist Members, who are a are a trusted source of information and advice.