
SMSF Advice – SMSF Regulatory Framework

The key to specialising in self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs) is to understand how legislation interacts and how the various regulators of the superannuation industry interpret the law. While there are many pieces of Commonwealth and state legislation that are relevant to superannuation, two Acts and their associated Regulations, are critical to the ongoing management and […]

5 CPD Hours

Get Tickets A$220.00 - A$275.00

SMSF Advice – Establishing an SMSF

This module looks at the steps to establish a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) as a regulated superannuation fund in order to become a complying superannuation fund entitled to tax concessions. The module identifies the trustee covenants that all trustees must abide by and are deemed to be incorporated into the governing rules of the fund […]

5 CPD Hours

Get Tickets A$220.00 - A$275.00

SMSF Advice – Contribution Standards

Contributions require a thorough understanding of the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth) (SIS Regulations), and the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997 (Cth) (ITAA 97) and Income Tax Assessment Regulations 1997 as they provide the rules on making and accepting contributions, and determine the taxation treatment, designation and deductibility. This module provides an outline of […]

5 CPD Hours

Get Tickets A$220.00 - A$275.00

SMSF Advice – Investing in an SMSF

Self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) trustees have ultimate control over the investments of the fund, so long as all investments are made in conjunction with the fund’s investment strategy, the sole purpose test and within the investment restrictions outlined in the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 (Cth) (SIS Act) and Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Regulations 1994 (Cth) […]

5 CPD Hours

Get Tickets A$220.00 - A$275.00

SMSF Advice – Taxing an SMSF

This module explores a complying superannuation fund’s taxation obligations. It considers the taxation of contributions, the applicable capital gains tax (CGT) provisions, how foreign transfers are treated and ordinary income. This module also identifies income from transactions that are not maintained on an arm’s-length basis and imposes a higher rate of tax for income that […]

5 CPD Hours

Get Tickets A$220.00 - A$275.00

SMSF Advice – Members’ interest and preservation standards

All superannuation members have an interest in their superannuation fund. For self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) members, these interests are a single accumulation interest and/or single or multiple pension interests. This module defines an interest is an SMSF and explains the preservation status of a members’ benefit. The module also considers the conditions of release that […]

5 CPD Hours

Get Tickets A$220.00 - A$275.00

SMSF Advice – Pension payment standards and paying a benefit

This module considers the features of a member account and how a member can access their money. It also discusses how money can be taken either as a superannuation lump sum or as an income stream and how both lump sum and pension payments are proportioned between taxable and tax-free components. This module also reviews […]

5 CPD Hours

Get Tickets A$220.00 - A$275.00

SMSF Advice – Taxing superannuation payments

This module provides the final overlay of taxation on benefit payments. Having identified the components of a member’s interest, the proportioning that applies to benefit payments and the types of benefits that can be paid, the final step is to determine how much tax is to be paid on those benefits. The module also considers […]

5 CPD Hours

Get Tickets A$220.00 - A$275.00