- Technically Speaking
Part one of a three-part series to support members navigate the complexities associated with legacy pensions particularly in light of new and proposed legislative changes.
From 5 April 2022, new regulations relating to the transfer balance cap (TBC) make it possible to commute excess transfer balance amounts from new SMSF market linked pensions. These changes require the initial commutation of a complying life expectancy pension or market linked pension that existing on 1 July 2017.
This issue of Technically Speaking was written by Julie Steed (FSSA), Senior Technical Services Manager at Australian Executor Trustees and through the use of case studies, focuses on:
• understanding the transfer balance account transactions for clients with legacy pensions
• exploring the changes to the commutation rules for excess transfer balance amounts
• identifying the threat and avoiding excess transfer balance tax.
The contents of this resource are taken to be correct at the time of publication.
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