SMSF Association submission – Retirement Phase of Superannuation – Discussion Paper

SMSF Association Submission

The SMSF Association welcomes the opportunity to provide this submission in response to the Government’s discussion paper on the Retirement Phase of Superannuation. Quite naturally, superannuation policy has until now focussed on accumulation. This has been necessary, particularly
in the context of what could be viewed as transitional phase of the superannuation guarantee system.

The system now approaches an important maturity milestone, and we will start to see for the first time, people retiring who have benefited from compulsory superannuation throughout their entire
working life.

The current system is highly complex and laden with jargon which makes it difficult for many consumers to engage with and understand. Some good foundation policies are present within the system, and others are yet to be legislated. These need to be given time to make their mark and deliver measurable benefits and outcomes.

Read the full submission below.

Retirement Phase of Superannuation - Discussion Paper

SMSF Association Submission